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Andrea L Robinson

Having Trouble Discovering Your Soul's Purpose?

Beyond doubts, with less need of convincing, you are now, more than ever, certain that you are here, on planet Earth, on purpose, and for a Divine purpose, at that!

Here's the glitch...

You just can't seem to make the connection to what that purpose is, and how it's going to play out in your world. This overwhelming sense of being off course and drifting through life is more common than not! If you are one of the many that experience this disconnect, from your Soul's purpose, take Heart...There is help for dismantling the barriers that prevent you from knowing, embracing, and fulfilling Your soul's purpose.

First things first...start saying No! Yes, you heard me right! Simply say no to people, places, and events that are offering you an overload of distraction. Keep in mind that you are digging for your gold, mining for the reason that you came to this planet, the essence that God downloaded in your Spirit. For now, it is imperative to prioritize and make a separation from the interrupters.

Understandably, we fear this will cause isolation and a lack of family/community support. We feel guilty that we are not living up to others' expectations, etc...But is that trade-off worth it??? It is Not! Analyze where it has left you. You are finding yourself lost in everyone's expectations.

Is that the way you want to live? I promise you, after this initial process, you will be able to serve God, others, and yourself in a much more genuine manner. Think of it as creating a clean slate!

To clear the air and dismantle the garrison standing between you and your purpose, you must put a stop to the many distractions that your life's energy is moving in.

  • Risk isolation for the power of meditation.

  • Trade distraction for solitude.

  • Clear the clutter to make way for illumination.

Not only will you converge with your purpose (the one that only You can fulfill), you will align with Divine empowerment, like never before!

As you begin to say no to the many activities and demands that are pulling at you, it's not unusual to feel awkward, lonely, and yes even guilty! You must tell yourself that it is temporary because it is! After this process, you will reunite with community and activities that line up with your authentic self and make much more purpose-filled choices. For now, fill in the spaces with prayer and meditation, introspective walks in nature, and clear some of the physical clutter to change your perspective. You are freeing yourself from distraction and the intrusions that have been preventing you from hearing what the Divine has been saying to you, all along.

Now that you've turned down the noise, you can really listen.

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