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  • Andrea L Robinson

Discovering Your Soul's Purpose - Part 3

Do you know your soul's purpose? Are you living in your soul's purpose?

Well if you've answered yes to these questions, that's amazing. We're in part three of a series on identifying your soul's purpose and living out your soul's purpose. This is a continuation of part 2, where we discussed blocks that may be preventing you from uncovering and discovering your soul's purpose as well as living your soul's purpose.

I'm going to share with you four major blocks that I wasn't able to cover in the previous post, that may be preventing you from living the life that you were meant to live.

In working with my spiritual guidance clients through their Reiki healing touch and spiritual mentoring, I have discovered these major blocks that prevent us all from discovering our soul's purpose and living on purpose.

Block Number 5: Comparison

As an example: we may feel very, very called to play the piano. We want to play the piano, we want to create music and we feel this stirring in our soul. But we start to make comparisons. We may start to think:

  • I've tried this technique but it just doesn't seem that I could ever be that type of a player.

  • I'll never play like Elton John or Billy Joel or Virtuoso or Emotes or Chopin.

I'm going to tell you: you never will be them and they never will be you.

That's not the point and that's not the purpose.

You are a unique individualized expression of God. What you want to do in your calling is be the best you that you can be. Now you can be inspired by Elton John, I know I am. And you can be inspired by Mozart or Bach or Billy Joel in your piano playing and your techniques but that's different than comparing yourself and holding yourself up to a perfectionistic standard; that's a block.

That's a block to your abundance and that's a block to living your soul’s purpose. So we want to identify that, once we identify that and we realize that we are unique and we're a one of a kind find, and we want to keep in that place.

Block Number 6: Tradition

Tradition can be such a wonderful thing and I value so many of my family's traditions. But when it blocks you from discovering and living out your soul's purpose well, then there's the negative side to tradition.

Tradition can be used to block you. I don't think it's ever intentional, but say you're a female and you're called to clergy; you're called to teach spirituality. And it's been your family's generational values that women are just not a part of the clergy. They just don't go into the calling of being spiritual teachers or reverends or pastors. Well and you said to yourself, I love to do that, that's what I'm being called to do. But traditionally we just don't do that, traditionally my family doesn't do that, we just don't do that in our family.

Tradition can become so blind over the generations that we don't even know anymore why,

we just do it because we've always done things a certain way.

If you can identify that tradition may possibly be a block for you, then you can step out of that role that you were playing, that story that you were living in and really listen. Connect with God in your heart and start to follow that place that is your soul’s purpose.

Block Number 7: Fear of Making Mistakes

Because this is our soul’s purpose, we made a big discovery, but we're so afraid to make mistakes. Well, I'm here to tell you, you're going to make mistakes. We all make mistakes, we're human. So if you've discovered your soul's purpose, but you're afraid to pursue it because you're afraid to make a mistake, you're holding yourself to a standard of perfection. That's an illusion. It's never going to happen. And sadly to say, you will not pursue and live in your soul's purpose.

Sometimes our mistakes are the very thing that makes us

so beautiful, unique, and one of a kind.

So, know that you'll make mistakes. You're going to have to push through the fear of making mistakes, if this is one of your blocks. But you can do that, because your soul's purpose is calling to you. I don't want you to miss pursuing your soul's purpose, due to the fact that you're afraid to make a mistake.

I forget how many times Edison tried before he actually invented the electric light. Wow! think about it. I think it was something like a thousand times. It's an incredible amount of times of making a mistake until he finally got that great invention that you see all around us. So dare to make mistakes, because that's just a part of it. That's the way it goes.

Block Number 8: Fear of Change

We fear change. I think it's natural and human to fear change. We can be in a situation that's very, very uncomfortable; that is very, very oppressive. A situation that is very much not a part of our soul's journey and our soul's purpose, but we're afraid to change.

On some level, we are comfortable in that situation, and would rather stay comfortable.

There's a saying that goes: We won't change until our pain becomes greater than our fear. Kind of like when the butterflies in its cocoon stage, it's warm and comfortable, even though it knows that it's not its final journey. When that pain supersedes the fear, then it pushes through and out of the cocoon to become a butterfly.

So what you have to do is say, “how much pain am I in by staying in my comfort zone?” If you're not in enough pain, sadly to say, you'll probably stay in that comfort zone. But when you become challenged enough in pain to say, “I don't want to stay here anymore,” then you're going to tear that block down. You're going to take that change and you're going to make a step out of your comfort zone. That is what I want for you, if that is one of your blocks.

So take a slow but sure step in the direction of becoming all that you can be!

In our last part of this series on Uncovering And Discovering Your Soul's Purpose, we're going to go over some practical, spiritual and definite techniques that will help you take down and destroy these blocks that are preventing you from living on purpose and just being the person that you were meant to be.

Let me know how you're doing on this journey of your soul's purpose. I want to know your challenges. I want to know your victories and your triumphs. They're so important, they encourage all of us. We can encourage one another and build one another up. And until the next time May God bless you and your families.

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