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  • Andrea L Robinson

Discovering Your Soul's Purpose - Part 2

Are you living on purpose? Do you know your soul's purpose? Have you identified it?

If you answered yes to those questions then that's awesome and you're very blessed. But so many people answer no to those questions or it's very ambiguous to them. I have worked with many spiritual clients in spiritual coaching, guidance, in Reiki, healing touch and energy work. And I have come to find that there are some very major blocks that are common to all of us, that keep us from discovering our soul's purpose and keep us from living out our soul’s purpose.

You can destroy those blocks and you can move forward in your soul's purpose and live on purpose. Because that is who God created you to be, a special unique individualized expression of him and only you can do that special gift.

I want to share those blocks with you because when you identify them in your own life, then you're going to find that that's at least 50% of the battle:

Block Number 1: Guilt and Low Self-Esteem

When people feel guilty about living out their true calling, true purpose, true happiness, and true self-expression, there's usually a lot of foundational wounds that have happened from childhood. They keep them from really feeling okay about themselves, that they're worthy to shine.

We do the world no good by playing small. We have been wounded, so many of us who feel guilty or have low self-esteem think “who am I to be in this special purpose?”, whatever that purpose may be. Well I know that you're a child of God. In the gospel of Matthew chapter 10 verse 29 through 31, it says:

“Aren't two sparrows sold for a penny?

But not a single sparrow falls to the ground apart from the Heavenly Father's will.

The very hairs on your head are numbered.

Fear not, you're worth so much more than many sparrows.”

So know that each one of us are very, very valuable and we're here for the season, the reason and on purpose.

When you identify this low self-esteem, start to discover what's going to help you to heal it. Today is just about identifying it. But I want you to say: yeah, that happened to me in my childhood; I was bullied; yes, I had a lot of mean things spoken over me; I thought I could never amount to anything.

Realize that those hopefully were never meant on purpose to destroy you. They are not the truth. The truth is you've been put here for a purpose and on purpose!

Block Number 2: Investment in Something Other Than Your Soul’s Purpose

Many people have gone to college for something very noble. Maybe it's a family tradition to be a lawyer or nurse, so you went to college to become those things. Or maybe you thought these would be a great profession. All of those are noble professions. But you may come out the other side and you feel:

  • Something's just missing

  • It doesn't feel right

  • I'm not connected

  • It's not what I thought it would be, on the deep levels of the soul.

We have made a great investment; both time, money, study, and all of that energy. We may have families and we may have support money coming from those professions. But we just feel like we're not clicking with our soul’s purpose.

When you identify that investment, if that is the case for you, then you would write that down and know that that's not going to be harmful to you, only in the sense if you let it be harmful to you.

That education, that job, look at it as a stepping stone to your soul's purpose. Many things that you learned along the way are going to be able to be applied to whatever other area you decide live out. You’ll be happy and shine for the world, serve the world, and have the world serve you back.

Block Number 3: Fear of the Good Opinion of Other People

What that really boils down to is, thoughts like, “my mother always thought that I was going to be a cook, I was going to follow in her footsteps and be a cook. What is she going to think of me if I go to pursue being a school teacher?” as an example. In my world, you guys would know that my mother really actually was a very good cook and she would never have expected this adopted girl to ever be a good cook. We pray when I cook, but that's a whole other story!

So we have a parent or a set of parents or authority figures that have an idea of what it is that we're supposed to do. And that's not bad in and of itself but it can be very preventative and very harmful.

As you get older, you may think:

  • But that's what I was supposed to do

  • That's what they always saw for me

  • That’s what would make mom and dad proud

  • That would make my sister and my brother proud

But does it make you happy? Is it what God has for you? Is it your soul's purpose?

Once you start to identify this major block, remember you're living your whole life around the opinion of somebody else. It's very frightening to think that you're not shining to the best of your ability, you're not serving the world to the best of your ability, because you are not in your happiness. You're not in your element. You're not on purpose. You may not be far off the path but you're not on the path.

When you fear the good opinion of other people, you get wrapped up in what you think they may want you to do. They may not even really want that for you, but it's a mind trick and a mind game. When we become freer of the good opinion of other people, we can be who we were meant to be and live and do what we were meant to do.

So when you identify that block, you take the first large step to say: okay I'm going to take some small steps away from that.

Block Number 4: Limited Resources

You feel that your resources are limited. We all live in a paradoxical world with time and space and we feel that there's not enough money, there's not enough time, there's not enough energy to pursue that.

But if we start to believe in abundance and we start to connect with source energy and our purpose, we will start to see that that block will crumble.

We can start to push through and pull into our world resources that will help us to slowly but surely pursue that which is our soul’s purpose and on purpose.

It sounds like a theory when I say that. But it's taking baby steps away from something that you're doing and moving into something that you need to be living and moving and breathing and doing into. You will see signs, and you’ll get help from the Creator and His universe to help you move away from that and also to help take these blocks down.

By identifying that block, it's huge and major. Also prayer can help destroy these blocks that are preventing you from living the life that you were meant to live.

Thank you so much for spending this time with me. There are many other blocks that are preventing so many of us from discovering and living our soul’s purpose. There's no easy answer but there are miracles as we take down these blocks. I know I've taken many downs in my own life and miracles happen.

So keep in touch, and stay tuned - I'm going to identify some other blocks. Then we're going to go about some special techniques that are actually going to help you to destroy these blocks, to delete these blocks, and help you to kind of reset your brain, reset your heart, and get yourself in a better place to really live out your soul's purpose.

Please comment, let me know what you're struggling with. What blocks that you have identified? I may be of good service to you and make some suggestions that are practical and forward moving.

Life is magical. Believe in magic; believe in the Creator that He wants you to be all that He intended you to be. He's there to help you. May God bless you and your families.

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